Friday, 31 May 2019

Captain Marvel Theory: Who Is The Supreme Intelligence?

Captain Marvel has been out in cinema for a while now and despite some negative review I myself loved it. It did take a while to pick up but that gave it it's plot and I loved it the whole way through. I watched it opening date which was weeks ago so I am going to share one of my theories on the film. What is the Supreme Intelligence??!!


In the capital of the Kree Empire (Hala) we see many of the Kree going to this temple-like place. Carol Danvers goes there with her master Yon-Rogg he says that no-one has seen the Supreme Intelligence as it takes on the form of what the viewer wants to see. The Supreme Intelligence is shown as a form of wisdom and escapism in the film as Carol turns to the Intelligence in the form of Mar-vel for advice. At this point she does not completely know who Mar-vel is but has seen her in dreams. This suggests that the Kree viewer does not pic what they want to see, it just morphs into what their heart wants, even if they don't know it. So from this we have gathered that the Intelligence is an all knowing thing that has the power to be able to take many forms according to who is wanting the advice. It has been suggested that the Intelligence is just a computer simulation but I believe it is something greater. What is all knowing but needs a 3 dimensional simulation to interact with the Kree? What is doomed to never change the course of events in real life but can only watch it? I am of course talking about The Watcher!

The Watchers are a race of all knowing characters in Marvel comics that can talk to others but not change courses of events through physical interaction no mater how much they want to. This would mean they would need a Kree simulation to virtually interact and give advice/wisdom as they can see how things would result. But why would The Watcher want to help the Kree? Maybe this tech was meant for greater things but the Kree adopted it for themselves. Or maybe it was because The Watcher knew Carol's future and wanted to motivate her powers (as shown in the film) for the greater good. As they can see alternate realities maybe that was the only way in that dimension that something great would happen later in the MCU. So, with The Watcher knowing what Thanos would do in the future and that Captain Marvel would need to be involved to defeat him, perhaps that's why they pushed her into discovering the full potential of her powers without violating the rules. Also we know The Watcher is in the MCU as three of them have a cameo in Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol.2.

What do you think? Agree or disagree I want to hear your thoughts! Do you think that Marvel will include The Watcher in future MCU phase 4 films such as Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol.3? Or will the Supreme Intelligence remain a mysterious source of Kree wisdom? Anyway, enjoy marvel while it lasts and let's take a moment to remember Tony Stank!

Sorry for the delay, this blog was supposed to be posted before Endgame but I haven't had the time to go through it again. I've got my tickets for the exciting Spider-man: Far From Home (unfortunately I can't make opening date). Keep on reading my blogs and see you again with my next!

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