Sunday, 11 December 2016

Who is Rey related to?

There are many clues, theories and predictions about who Rey's parents and other relatives are. Do we know for sure? Not yet; But we can have fun guessing!

We have a couple of suspects, for example: Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and some think she is a reincarnation of Darth Vader. These all make sense and can be explained but I believe in something different. My theory can be explained in one scene of The Force Awakens when Rey touches Luke/Anakin's lightsaber and has a flashback to the past (as a child) of her screaming. But also we hear Obi Wan Kenobi speak twice and Yoda once. Obi says, "These are your first steps" (Ewan Mcgregor) and "Rey" (Alec Guinness). This leads me to believe in a deep connection with Obi Wan and that she is related to him. I believe that he was the one who deliberately left her on Jakku to either keep her safe or so she could learn patience (by waiting).

Obi's loves

Obi Wan is a Jedi, meaning he can't marry but after the empire there was no longer a code. The Clone Wars reveals even more evidence that Obi Wan has had some love interests which could be the official reveal of who Rey is related to in Star Wars. Also there's a rumour of an Obi Wan Kenobi stand alone film starring Ewan Mcgregor (how exciting would that be!) and maybe in that film he will fall in love and my prediction will turn out to be correct.

Obi's lightsaber

There is a rumor about Obi Wans' lightsaber. When Rey touched Luke's lightsaber no one saw her in the vision beside the descendant of Luke (Kylo Ren) and when hes next to the knights of Ren he seems to be holding a substance that looks like Obi Wans saber. This would make perfect sense because Ren would see the descendant of Kenobi.

At the moment we can just hope we're right and wait for future Star Wars films: Star Wars 8, 9, Obi Wan Kenobi film, Rogue One and (for the people who believe Han has two children) the Han Solo anthology in 2018. Write in the comments if you agree, think it's Rey Solo or Rey Skywalker or if you have a theory of your own - I would love to hear it and I hope you've enjoyed mine. May the force be with you!


  1. Great theory! I immediately assumed Rey was related to Luke skywalker, like the majority of people, but after reading this I did some research and now believe she is the descendant of obi wan. Would love to see an Obi Wan Kenobi solo film showing maybe a love story when he was watching over Luke. Keep me posted :)
    Nathan x

  2. great blog adam, keep up the good work ��
