Thor Ragnarok was the fifth film in the third phase of the MCU and hit the cinemas with a bang on the 27th of October.
I just saw Thor Ragnarok and Oh My God!
It's been quite a while since I've done a movie review (my last one was for Rogue One) and I thought it'd be nice too do another one on the new but loved, third film in the Thor trilogy. This film has the potential to be the best film in Marvel history - I loved EVERYTHING about it! Well, I say everything, but every film has flaws and this had kinda noticeable ones within the movie but the rest was hilarious or suspenseful and that is what I look for in good movies.
Before I go on:
!Spoiler warning! Spoilers ahead in this blog!
But, you know you've seen it already
"Go to hell"
Anyway lets jet into this from the start!
In the very beginning you see Thor wrapped in a chain in some sort of Hell, narrating a story to what we think is us but turns out to be a skeleton opposite him. I found that as quite a funny start of to the movie, until Thor get pulled down to face a 'Lava monster?' Basically a huge guy with horns that is actually a crown. The Monster tells Thor his plans to rule Asgard.
Now this is the thing that annoys me about Marvel villains.
And it's not just Marvel - Lex Luther does it a couple of times to Superman and many other films like Bond! Villains unravel their 'genius' plan to cause mayhem to the the heroes as they are lured to their death but instead of just killing the heroes, they give them a chance to escape by letting the hero convince them to change their mind which happens a lot in these movies.
Anyway this kind of happens in this movie but it's really just a distraction for Thor to wield his hammer, kick the villains butt and rip the crown off his head to carry on his back.
"All hail king... Loki?"
But then it skips to Asgard as Odin (or as we all know from the last movie, is actually Loki shape-shifting) is sitting on his thrown with a Loki statue outside alongside a play of Loki and Thor of how Loki 'died' starring - wait, is that Matt Damon?! Ignoring that, the play is really funny how they make Loki look like an awesome hero of Asgard as 'Odin' gets fed gapes on his throne by women. It looks like Loki has his life made but no, Thor, aka the part-pooper, arrives and crashes the fun by revealing Loki is Odin and the real Odin is missing. Then he takes Loki back to Earth where Loki hasn't been since The Avengers and goes to where Loki left Odin - a care home. They then see the care home being smashed down by a crane as Thor takes a selfie with two girls which again was quite funny!
"Strange, isn't it?"
In order to find Odin they may need help from people with higher powers then them. Maybe Jedi's, Demigods, Iron Man! No, Wizards. Eeer, what?
Yep, the MCU has a wizard and one of them's name is literally called Dr.Strange... and he has a living cape... and is played by Benedict Cumberbatch - okay it's 'strange' (-; - but I think his first movie was greatly done for such a weird concept. And his appearance in Thor was quite funny by the way Thor has absolutely no idea what is going on, but it was a pretty pathetic and brief appearance. He kind of just shows up and goes "oh, here's your father, take him and I'll go out for the rest of the movie and give you back Loki who has literately been falling for the last 20 minutes." Agree? Anyway, they find Odin and talk to him for a while about Asgard and the throne then he perishes into the sky (also he's in Norway btw). He dies pretty quick and less dramatic than it should've been. Still a sad moment but I thought that could've been done better than it was. Later on, Thor gets mad at Loki, Cate Blanchett (Hella) appears and smashes Thors hammer, Thor and Loki get pushed off the by-frost whilst teleporting to Asgard and land in Sakaar which is a literal realm or dimension where people across the galaxy drop their junk. So it is a huge dustbin, basically.
"The wealthy, the worthy and the... drunk?"
In Sakaar scavengers search the hills of rubbish dropping from the hundreds of portals that appeared in the sky. They mostly looked for 'contestants' for the Colosseum themed 1 on 1 battles with swords and shields, henceforth they find Thor - once again - confused. A couple of scavengers try to take him, then Valkyrie (a drunk woman) beats them to take Thor to her boss who throws the 1 on 1 battle for a hell load of money. It's quite a funny scene, her being drunk, because she falls of the platform and electrocutes Thor. This scene does remind me of when Thor is being put to sleep in the hospital in his first scene, so that was good to see how the humour hasn't changed in a way. After she drags Thor onto his ship with 60's music in the background, he gets taken into the arena and brought to the Grandmaster or 'the boss' (Jeff Goldblum) who throws the battle. He is made quite a big deal with the others, they kind of worship him like a god. The battle he holds reminds me of the one in 'Attack of the Clones' in Geonosis but they have one 'main event' rather then 3 or 4.
"Another day, another Doug"
As Thor is being introduced to the Grandmaster he spots someone in the crowd and he is none other than Loki himself! Loki claims that he's never seen Thor before as he gets a fresh trim by Stan-Lee. Then he gets put in a holding room his two new friends Mick (a frog with knives for hands that lays eggs whenever he wants) and Korg (a man made out of stones with a kiwi accent played by the directer of the movie). Korg was my favorite character with one of his best lines being "I was gonna start a revolution once but I didn't hand out enough pamphlets. So only my mum and her boyfriend turned up - who I hate." He seemed so casual but so funny. His friend Mick, on the other hand, was a good character because he was so irrelevant but kept on making a sudden appearance like when he's introduced or when he lays eggs also that bit at the end where he dies because Korg stood on him but then comes back to life (don't ask). Anyway, Thor goes into the battle arena with a short but nice haircut and some sort of war paint on his face. Then the Grandmaster introduces the 'main event' which turns out to be - "...oh what a coincidence, this'll be the second time he's beat me up" - Incredible Hulk!
To be continued .......
