Sunday, 3 December 2017
Tuesday, 7 February 2017
Rogue Squadron Theory
The new release of Rogue one left Star Wars fans amazed with the story of rebels invading Imperial archives to find how to destroy the death star, But we also noticed the interesting title which had a familiar reference in Empire Strikes Back. It was said by Zev Senesca who's code name is Rogue Two leading me to believe there is a whole snow speeder squadron named The Rogue Squadron. This could be in memory of Rogue One's success delivering the Death Star plans to the rebellion.
Sunday, 5 February 2017
Doctor Strange timeline
The latest MCU release-Doctor Strange-was a great success, and all Marvel fans enjoyed Benedict Cumberbatch playing the well known Stephen Strange. The film answered the question of wheres the Time Gem but we're still wondering what the actual year Doctor Strange is set in.
Evidence and references.
There has been many references to the film in previous Marvel movies, like in Captain America the Winter Soldier where a Hydra agent says "Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange" and in Toby Mcguires Spider-man 2 when there listing names for Dr Octopus. They say Dr Strange as one of the options but J.J Jameson quotes "Taken". Some even believe its set in the future because of an incident before the car crash in the film. Stephen is talking to his work mate about upcoming patients and one is a young girl with a spine injury and most think that shes Captain Marvel. Ignoring all of this evidence, on Doctor Stranges' watch it says 2016 so it could be set in the actual time it was released. What do you think?
Friday, 6 January 2017
Every Harry Potter spell

There are many spells, jynxes, hexes and curses used in all 8 Harry Potter films, (and books) but unless we have the memory of a golden snitch there's no way we can remember all of them. So i'm going to give you a quick run through and reminder of all the Harry Potter spells and what they mean from Accio to Wingardium leviosa!
Unforgivable curses
First let me tell you about the 3 unforgivable curses. If a Wizard or Witch chants one of these spells then they get - as quoted by Alester Moody in Goblet of Fire - a one way ticket to Azakaban, and that is why they are unforgivable.
The spells are the Imperius curse, the Cruciatus curse and most deadly of all the Killing curse. Only one person has survived that spell and he is the chosen one, Harry Potter. So here is what they are and what they do.
This curse puts the opponent into a trance so you can control them.Crucio:
This curse makes the target suffer.
Avada Kadavra:
This curse simply kills.A
Aberto: This spell (as well as Alohomora) is used to open doors, windows and other objects that of witch are locked.
Accio: This is the summoning spell and its used to summon an object after you say Accio.
Aguamenti: This spell is the water charm, it makes water appear in front of you.
Alarte Acendare: This spell sends the target flying up.
Alohmomora: This spell is used to open locked doors.
Anapneo: This spell clears blocked air ways.
Anteoculatia: This spell is a hex, it turns peoples hair into antlers.
Aparecium: This is called the revealing charm because it reveals invisible Inc.
Aqua Eructo: This spell is used to create a clear jet of water from the tip of a wand.
Arania Exumai: This spell is used to repel spiders.
Arresto Momentum: This spell decreases the velocity of a moving object
Ascendio: This spell lifts the caster high in the air.
Avifors: This spell transforms the target into a bird of any sort.
Avis: This spell conjures a flock of birds from the tip of a wand.
Baubillious: This spell creates a white streak of lightning from the tip of the wand.
Bombarda: This spell explodes target:
Bombarda Maxima: This spell is more advanced then Bombarda infact it can blow up walls.
Brackium Emendo: This spell is used, if done correctly, to heal broken bones
Calvario: This spell causes the victims hair to fall out.
Cantis: This spell causes the victim to uncontrollably burst into a song.
Carpe Retractum: Thi spell creates a visible supernatural rope to pull the target or victim.
Cave Inimicum: This spell may warn the caster of any approaching enemies
Cistem Aperio: This spell opens chests.
Colloportus: This spell is called the locking spell and it locks anything that can be locked.
Colloshoo: Sticks someones shoes to the ground.
Colovaria: This is called the Colour changing spell so you can guess what it does.
Confringo: This spell causes anything it comes in contact with to set on fire.
Confundo: This spell causes the victim to become confused about what he's doing.
Crinus Muto: This spell is used to change someones hair colour and style
Defodio: This spell is used to gouge out large chunks of the target.
Deletrius: This spell disintegrates the target.
Densaugeo: This spell regrows teeth rapidly.
Depulso: This spell flies an object to someone which is the opposite of Accio the summoning charm.
Descendo: This spell causes a object to fall downwards.
Deprimo: This spell causes more impact on the falling object.
Diffindo: This spell rips, tears and shreds.
Diminuendo: This spell shrinks the target.
Dissendium: This spell opens passages.
Draconifors: This spell turns the target into a dragon.
Ducklifors: This spell turns the target into a duck.
Ebublio: This spell causes the target to explode into 100 bubbles.
Engorgio: This spell causes target to swell into physical size.
Engorgio Skullus: This spell causes victims skull to swell.
Entomorphis: This spell is used to transforms target into an insect.
Episkey: This spell is used to fix minor injuries and small broken bones.
Epoximise: This spell glues one object to another.
Erecto: This spell erects tents or other structure.
Evanasce: This spell vanishes target.
Everte Statum: This spell throws the target backwards
Expecto Patronum: This spell creates an incarnation of there happiest memory as a defense.
Expelliarmus: This spell disarms the casters opponent.
Expulso: This spell provokes an explosion.
Fianto Duri: This spell strengthens a shield.
Fiendfyre: This spell creates a fire spirit that destroys anything in its way and burns most objects.
Finite:This spell terminates any spell effect in vicinity of the caster.
Finite Incantatem: This spell terminates all spell affects.
Flagrate: This spell produces fiery marks that can be used to write. Flipendo: This spell pushes the target and knocks out weaker enemies.
Flipendo Duo: This spell is a more powerful version of Flipendo.
Flipendo Tria: This spell is a more powerful version of Flipendo Duo.
Fumos: This spell is used to create a dark cloud of smoke to hide yourself.
Furnunculus: This spell causes boils (or pimples) to appear all over the opponent.
Galactus: This spell turns the target into solid ice.
Galactus Duo: This spell is a more more advanced version of Galactus
Galactus Tria: This spell is a more advanced version of Galactus Duo
Glisseo: Causes the steps on the stair way to transform into a slide.
Herbifors: This spell causes flowers to sprout from the victim.
Herbivicus: This spell makes plants grow full size instantly.
Homenum Revelio: This spell creates human presents in vicinity of the caster.
Immobulus: This spell freezes moving object
Impervious: This spell makes something repel.
Inanimatus Conjuras: This spell conjures an inanimate object
Incarcerus: This spell ties someone or something up.
Incendio: This spell simply creates fire.
Incendio Duo: This spell is a better version of Incendio.
Incendio Tria: This spell is a better version of Incendio Duo.
Langlock: This spell glues the opponents mouth or tongue to the ceiling.
Lapifors: This spell turns an object into a rabbit.
Legiliments: This spell allows the caster to go into the mind of the opponent and see there thoughts.
Levicorpus: This spell gets the opponent dangled by there legs.
Liberacorpus: This spell counteracts Levicorpus.
Locomotor: This spell is usually said before the name of a target or person what your pointing at which can now rise and move at your command.
Lumos: This spell will create a small dot of light at the tip of the wand.
Lumos Duo: This spell creates a light beam that shines directly at the target.
Lumos Maxima: This spell shoots a ball of light at the place pointed.
Lumos Solem; This spell shines a blinding to anyone who sees it.
Melofors: This spell puts someones head inside a pumpkin.
Meteolojinx Recanto: This spell causes weather affects to cease.
Mimblewimble: This spell causes the opponents tongue to curl backwards (usually used so the opponent cant reveal information).
Mobiliarbus: This spell levitates and moves objects.
Mobilicorpus: This spell levitates and moves bodies.
Morsemorde: This spell creates the dark mark of death eaters.
Muffliato: This spell blocks the opponents ear with a buzzing noise so he cant hear a conversation.
Multicorfors: This spell is used to change the colour of someones cloving.
Obliviate: This spell erases the memory from someone of a curtain event.
Obscuro: This spell causes a blind fold to wrap around the victims eyes so he/she cant see.
Oppugno: This spell causes animals or humans of lesser intelligence to attack.
Orbis: This spell sucks the target into the ground.
Orchideous: This spell creates a reef of flowers drawn by the wand.
Pack: This spell packs luggage.
Partis Temporus: This spell creates a temporary gap through the magical barriers.
Periculum: This spell creates a red flare
Peskipiksi Pesternomi: This spells affect is unknown.
Petrificus Totalus: This spell freezes the opponent into a soldier attention-like pose and will usually fall onto the ground.
Piertotum Locomotor: This spell is used to animate statues of armor to do the casters bidding.
Point Me: This spell is used to turn the wand into a compass.
Portus: This spell is used to turn and object into a port-key.
Prior Incantato: This spell causes the last and closest spell that has been chanted to reveal itself.
Protego: This spell causes a shield that will rebound the attackers spell to defend the caster.
Pregeto Horribilis: Thi spell creates a shield charm against dark magic.
Pregeto Maxima: This spell is a stronger version of both Pregeto and Pregeto Horribilis
Protego Totalus: This spell creates a small shield not letting anything other then the unforgivible curses through.
Reducio: This spell shrinks large objects.
Reducto: This spell disintegrates and breaks objects.
Relashio: This spell mak
es the subject release whatever there holding.
Rennervate: This spell revives stunned people.
Reparifarge: This spell is used to reverse unsuccessful transformations.
Reparo: This spell is used to repair broken objects.
Repello Muggletum: This spell adds to shields by not letting them enter.
Repello Inimicum: This spell also adds to the shield because now if any one comes in they will quickly disintegrate.
Revelio: This spell reveals hidden objects.
Rictusempra: This spell causes an extreme tickle for the opponent.
Riddikulus: This spell causes the Bogart of your biggest fear to become something funny.
Scourgify: This spell is used to clean places by spell.
Sectumsempra: This spell is dark and if you got hit it would hurt like being slashed by a sword.
Serpensortia: This spell creates a snake that will blast out the tip of the wand.
Silencio: This spell makes something silent.
Sonorus: The spell, once you put the wand to your neck, magnifies the casters voice.
Specialis Revelio: This spell reveals an objects powers.
Spongify: This spell softens the target.
Steleus: This spell causes the victim to sneeze for a short amount of time.
Stupefy: This spell stuns the opponent and if used forcefully it can put someone in an unconscious state.
Tentaclifors; This spell is Siphons liquid.
Titillando: This spell tickles and weakens.
Ventus Duo: This spell is a stronger version of Ventus.
Vera Verto: This spell is used to turn an animal into a water goblet.
Verdillious: This spell is used to shoot green sparks from the tip of a wand.
Verdillious Duo: This spell is a stronger version of Verdillious.
Vipera Evanesca: This spell is used to kill snakes.
Vulnera Sanentur: This spell heals wounds.
Wingardium Leviosa: This spell levitates and moves objects.
So there it is, all Harry potter spells or maybe I missed out some, if i did put it in the comments. I hope you enjoyed and learnt some spells from this but all I can say for now is
Goodbye Maxima and don't let the muggles get you down!
Everte Statum: This spell throws the target backwards
Expecto Patronum: This spell creates an incarnation of there happiest memory as a defense.
Expelliarmus: This spell disarms the casters opponent.
Expulso: This spell provokes an explosion.
Ferula: This spell creates a bandage and a splint.Fianto Duri: This spell strengthens a shield.
Fiendfyre: This spell creates a fire spirit that destroys anything in its way and burns most objects.
Finite:This spell terminates any spell effect in vicinity of the caster.
Finite Incantatem: This spell terminates all spell affects.
Flagrate: This spell produces fiery marks that can be used to write. Flipendo: This spell pushes the target and knocks out weaker enemies.
Flipendo Duo: This spell is a more powerful version of Flipendo.
Flipendo Tria: This spell is a more powerful version of Flipendo Duo.
Fumos: This spell is used to create a dark cloud of smoke to hide yourself.
Furnunculus: This spell causes boils (or pimples) to appear all over the opponent.
Geminio: This spell creates an identical but useless copy of the target.Galactus: This spell turns the target into solid ice.
Galactus Duo: This spell is a more more advanced version of Galactus
Galactus Tria: This spell is a more advanced version of Galactus Duo
Glisseo: Causes the steps on the stair way to transform into a slide.
Harmonia Nectere Passus: This spell repairs a vanishing cabinet.Herbifors: This spell causes flowers to sprout from the victim.
Herbivicus: This spell makes plants grow full size instantly.
Homenum Revelio: This spell creates human presents in vicinity of the caster.
Illegibilus: This spell makes a text legible.Immobulus: This spell freezes moving object
Impervious: This spell makes something repel.
Inanimatus Conjuras: This spell conjures an inanimate object
Incarcerus: This spell ties someone or something up.
Incendio: This spell simply creates fire.
Incendio Duo: This spell is a better version of Incendio.
Incendio Tria: This spell is a better version of Incendio Duo.
Lacarnum Inflamarae: This spell sends a bolt of lihtning from the tip of a wand.Langlock: This spell glues the opponents mouth or tongue to the ceiling.
Lapifors: This spell turns an object into a rabbit.
Legiliments: This spell allows the caster to go into the mind of the opponent and see there thoughts.
Levicorpus: This spell gets the opponent dangled by there legs.
Liberacorpus: This spell counteracts Levicorpus.
Locomotor: This spell is usually said before the name of a target or person what your pointing at which can now rise and move at your command.
Lumos: This spell will create a small dot of light at the tip of the wand.
Lumos Duo: This spell creates a light beam that shines directly at the target.
Lumos Maxima: This spell shoots a ball of light at the place pointed.
Lumos Solem; This spell shines a blinding to anyone who sees it.
Magicus Extremos: This spell makes a another spell stronger for a short period of time.Melofors: This spell puts someones head inside a pumpkin.
Meteolojinx Recanto: This spell causes weather affects to cease.
Mimblewimble: This spell causes the opponents tongue to curl backwards (usually used so the opponent cant reveal information).
Mobiliarbus: This spell levitates and moves objects.
Mobilicorpus: This spell levitates and moves bodies.
Morsemorde: This spell creates the dark mark of death eaters.
Muffliato: This spell blocks the opponents ear with a buzzing noise so he cant hear a conversation.
Multicorfors: This spell is used to change the colour of someones cloving.
Nox: This spell extinguishes the light made by Lumos.O
Oculus Reparo: This spell mends eye glasses.Obliviate: This spell erases the memory from someone of a curtain event.
Obscuro: This spell causes a blind fold to wrap around the victims eyes so he/she cant see.
Oppugno: This spell causes animals or humans of lesser intelligence to attack.
Orbis: This spell sucks the target into the ground.
Orchideous: This spell creates a reef of flowers drawn by the wand.
Pack: This spell packs luggage.
Partis Temporus: This spell creates a temporary gap through the magical barriers.
Periculum: This spell creates a red flare
Peskipiksi Pesternomi: This spells affect is unknown.
Petrificus Totalus: This spell freezes the opponent into a soldier attention-like pose and will usually fall onto the ground.
Piertotum Locomotor: This spell is used to animate statues of armor to do the casters bidding.
Point Me: This spell is used to turn the wand into a compass.
Portus: This spell is used to turn and object into a port-key.
Prior Incantato: This spell causes the last and closest spell that has been chanted to reveal itself.
Protego: This spell causes a shield that will rebound the attackers spell to defend the caster.
Pregeto Horribilis: Thi spell creates a shield charm against dark magic.
Pregeto Maxima: This spell is a stronger version of both Pregeto and Pregeto Horribilis
Protego Totalus: This spell creates a small shield not letting anything other then the unforgivible curses through.
Quietus: This spell makes a loud voice turn back to normal.R
Redactum Skullus: This spell shrinks the opponents skull.Reducio: This spell shrinks large objects.
Reducto: This spell disintegrates and breaks objects.
Relashio: This spell mak
es the subject release whatever there holding.
Rennervate: This spell revives stunned people.
Reparifarge: This spell is used to reverse unsuccessful transformations.
Reparo: This spell is used to repair broken objects.
Repello Muggletum: This spell adds to shields by not letting them enter.
Repello Inimicum: This spell also adds to the shield because now if any one comes in they will quickly disintegrate.
Revelio: This spell reveals hidden objects.
Rictusempra: This spell causes an extreme tickle for the opponent.
Riddikulus: This spell causes the Bogart of your biggest fear to become something funny.
Salvio Hexia: This spells affects are unknown.Scourgify: This spell is used to clean places by spell.
Sectumsempra: This spell is dark and if you got hit it would hurt like being slashed by a sword.
Serpensortia: This spell creates a snake that will blast out the tip of the wand.
Silencio: This spell makes something silent.
Sonorus: The spell, once you put the wand to your neck, magnifies the casters voice.
Specialis Revelio: This spell reveals an objects powers.
Spongify: This spell softens the target.
Steleus: This spell causes the victim to sneeze for a short amount of time.
Stupefy: This spell stuns the opponent and if used forcefully it can put someone in an unconscious state.
Talantallegra: This spell causes the victims feet to dance uncontrollably.Tentaclifors; This spell is Siphons liquid.
Titillando: This spell tickles and weakens.
Ventus: This spell causes a strong blast of wind to blast out the tip of a wand.Ventus Duo: This spell is a stronger version of Ventus.
Vera Verto: This spell is used to turn an animal into a water goblet.
Verdillious: This spell is used to shoot green sparks from the tip of a wand.
Verdillious Duo: This spell is a stronger version of Verdillious.
Vipera Evanesca: This spell is used to kill snakes.
Vulnera Sanentur: This spell heals wounds.
Waddiswasi: This spell launches small objects high in the sky.Wingardium Leviosa: This spell levitates and moves objects.
So there it is, all Harry potter spells or maybe I missed out some, if i did put it in the comments. I hope you enjoyed and learnt some spells from this but all I can say for now is
Goodbye Maxima and don't let the muggles get you down!
Monday, 2 January 2017
Where's the Soul Gem?

What Gems have we found?
As you know the biggest MCU film in the history of Marvel is coming out, and by that I mean Avengers Infinity War parts 1&2! We all can't wait to see loads of our favorite superheroes battling to save the universe but before all that happens, some of the characters need to go on a hunt for the Infinity Gems. There are only 6 in total and since the new release of Doctor Strange there's only one more that is still undiscovered. All the gems spell out T.H.A.N.O.S (if you put them together) and that's the name of the mad and main villain who wants all the Gems to wipe out the universe with his Gauntlet. The Gems are: The 'Tesseract' (Space Gem), the 'Aether' (Reality Gem), soul gem, the 'Necklace' - Eye of Agamotto (Time Gem), the 'Orb' (Power Gem) and finally the 'Scepter' (Mind Gem). From that you get T.A.N.O.S so we only need to find the name of the Soul Gem which is not yet confirmed but all we know so far is that it begins with a H.
Where are the found Gems?
All 6 stones could be anywhere as some have appeared in different realms some different planets and others hidden in different countries. The first gem to appear is the Tesseract and its last appearance that isn't a picture or vision was in Avengers Assemble where Thor and Loki went back to Asguard holding the Tesseract. Now on to the most popular one of them all, Scepter which has appeared a lot and last seen in the second most recent Marvel film which is Civil War. The film had 12 superheroes, one, however had the Mind Gem (Scepter) in the center of his forehead. This person is called Vision so good luck getting that Gem out. Then we have Thor 2's Aether (Soul Gem) witch should be buried in another realm with The Dark Elves but after the credits it showed the Warriors 3 handing it to the Collector. There is also the Orb (Power Gem) witch first appeared in Guardians of the Galaxy. From then nothing has happened and the Orb is safe and sound with the Nova court in Xandar. Finally The Eye of Agomotto (Time Gem) which is still on Doctor Stranges neck. I don't know if it's Thanos, Loki or even the superheroes who are going to gather the Gems but whoever does it is going to have a long journey.
Where might the Soul Gem be?
Many Marvel films are coming out in the next 4 years and I've noticed that most Gems have appeared in heroes first movies like Doctor Strange or Thor so they might carry on that small tradition. All the already found ones are scattered in different realms, planets and cities so it will be quite an adventure going to get them all but it will be even more challenging once we find the 6th stone. Some believe it's in the realm of Asguard where the Tesseract also is and I believe in that theory to. Why, because of Heimdall (the Rainbow bridge keeper) quoted in Thor 1 "I can see all the souls in the world" also because he's known for his orange eyes which is the same colour as the stone. Another bit of proof is that in Age of Ultron Thor has a vision, Hiemdalls' eyes are white and Thor makes a fuss. He could be worrying because that meant Thanos had have got the Soul Gem. Heimdall also says he sees Thor leading Asguard to hell, so he might of meant that there all dead because Thanos destroyed the world and Thor didn't save them; although, they might not put it in Thor Ragnarok because they have included three of the Gems in the two Thor films already. Then again it would be very appropriate to fit it in Captain Marvel as most stones have appeared in peoples first film so maybe that or Black Panther, but Captain Marvel is coming out after Infinity War so maybe not, although Black panther is still optional!
What films are they in?
The first film a stone appeared in was Thor, that was the Tesseract but by Marvel timeline it's Captain America who found it first. The Tesseract has gone through all of these: Avengers 1&2 ,part of Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain America and Thor. Although, the even more popular one is Loki's Scepter which has gone from a weapon to a thing in Visions forehead. The Mind Gem has appeared throughout six films in total! All three of the Aether, Orb and Necklace has gone through two and all of the stones have been in at least one film as a result of Avengers 2, briefly showing them all in Thor's vision.
So what do you believe? Will the Soul Gem appear in Captain Marvel, Thor 3, Black Panther or any other of the upcoming Marvel movies. I reckon Thor 3 but we can just hope we're right. If you enjoyed this, agreed with this or maybe believe in something different comment below because I would love to read your theories but for now all I can say is enjoy Marvel whilst it lasts!
Eye of Agomotto,
Infinity Gauntlet,
Infinity Stone,
Infinity War,
Mind Gem,
Power Gem,
Reality Gem,
Soul Gem,
Space Gem,
Thor Ragnarok,
Time Gem
Sunday, 1 January 2017
Rogue One review
I'd give it 5 stars!
Everyone had high expectations on the latest Star Wars film Rogue One, and I can tell you now we weren't disappointed. I think that Gareth Edwards did a great job on making a story based on the most successful film, Star Wars; he's also very good at directing and scaling size when he films, so that helped. I feel like this is just one branch of the star wars tree, meaning just one of the hundreds of stories that he could have done, but he picked how the rebel spies got the plans for the Death Star. But before I go into detail I'm going to warn you...
Although this film was amazing to watch, some bits were slightly confusing and could've been improved. At the very start it shows Jyn Erso, her father (Galen Erso) and her mother (Lyra Erso). It also shows director Orson Krennick and a couple of death troopers asking Galen to finish the work on Death Star and to once again serve the Empire; He says no. As a result of his answer the troopers kill the mother and threaten the child (Jyn) so she runs away to Saw Gerrera. Now I think they should've showed her growing up with Saw, maybe how she got arrested by the Empire would be nice. The casting was great even the little girl looked like a young Felicity Jones but I didn't really like the pilot (Bodi Rook), I thought his acting was a bit awkward and you could tell he was reading from the script; it was a missed opportunity as his character was interesting and had some good scenes that the actor messed up. From when it showed Saw Gerrera, as he tortured the pilot with a giant slug thing (Bor Gallet), till when Jyn got recruited, it seemed fast, but still good and key scenes.
Also, here's the best part, Princess Leia is in it!
As all Star Wars fans know Carrie Fisher (Leia) sadly did pass away at 60 years; old so you might be wondering, who is Leia's new actor? But actually they CGI'd her with Ingvild Deilas', an imfamous actor in Avengrs two, voice-over, which was very well done! They also did that for Grand Moff Tarkin (although not his voice); and many complained he was on the screen for to long knowing hes CGI in this. And finally, for the people who remember Dr Evans and Ponda Baba, they are in it too for a short scene where Dr Evans says something among the lines "Now you just watch yourself!" In the battle of Scarrif space battle scene, they use unused footage from A New Hope battle of Yavin to make it more original. It included; Red leader, Red 6 and how Red 5 died before Luke took his place. But the greatest link to Star Wars IV was the appearance of the ultimate Star Wars bad guy, the dark lord himself, Darth Vader!
Whoever ignored my warning and read on, I recommend you watch it at the cinema, it is a great film. The mix of tying old and new together with this back story was very clever. I have watched it about 6-7 times now and I've watched it analytically, so I understand it well. Hope you guys enjoyed it too and may the force be with you all!
What could be improved:
Although this film was amazing to watch, some bits were slightly confusing and could've been improved. At the very start it shows Jyn Erso, her father (Galen Erso) and her mother (Lyra Erso). It also shows director Orson Krennick and a couple of death troopers asking Galen to finish the work on Death Star and to once again serve the Empire; He says no. As a result of his answer the troopers kill the mother and threaten the child (Jyn) so she runs away to Saw Gerrera. Now I think they should've showed her growing up with Saw, maybe how she got arrested by the Empire would be nice. The casting was great even the little girl looked like a young Felicity Jones but I didn't really like the pilot (Bodi Rook), I thought his acting was a bit awkward and you could tell he was reading from the script; it was a missed opportunity as his character was interesting and had some good scenes that the actor messed up. From when it showed Saw Gerrera, as he tortured the pilot with a giant slug thing (Bor Gallet), till when Jyn got recruited, it seemed fast, but still good and key scenes.Story spoilers:
If you haven't seen it, and I just tell you the plot, you would think that it's a terrible film, but the way they put it together is clever. So here comes the ultimate spoiler, in the end, all of them DIE! I know what your thinking, why would they introduce new characters and killed them off in the first film there in but obviously they aren't in Star Wars IV so it makes perfect sense if you think about it.Also, here's the best part, Princess Leia is in it!
As all Star Wars fans know Carrie Fisher (Leia) sadly did pass away at 60 years; old so you might be wondering, who is Leia's new actor? But actually they CGI'd her with Ingvild Deilas', an imfamous actor in Avengrs two, voice-over, which was very well done! They also did that for Grand Moff Tarkin (although not his voice); and many complained he was on the screen for to long knowing hes CGI in this. And finally, for the people who remember Dr Evans and Ponda Baba, they are in it too for a short scene where Dr Evans says something among the lines "Now you just watch yourself!" In the battle of Scarrif space battle scene, they use unused footage from A New Hope battle of Yavin to make it more original. It included; Red leader, Red 6 and how Red 5 died before Luke took his place. But the greatest link to Star Wars IV was the appearance of the ultimate Star Wars bad guy, the dark lord himself, Darth Vader!
Whoever ignored my warning and read on, I recommend you watch it at the cinema, it is a great film. The mix of tying old and new together with this back story was very clever. I have watched it about 6-7 times now and I've watched it analytically, so I understand it well. Hope you guys enjoyed it too and may the force be with you all!
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